Saturday, May 5, 2012

#010 : Thunder, Light'nin ... Not So, not so Fright'nin

Well we recently had some severe weather in Chicago. Just another feather in the cap for the bees. This has been an eventful month for the bees! As you might have read in my last post there were all kinds of weather related set backs. On Thursday night we had 'HAIL'!!! Not the prayerful kind. Nope. We had the kind that falls from the sky and it was pretty big On Chicago standards. Some hail was the size of grapes! The bees did not like it one bit! But I have to admit - that very night was one of the most beautiful nights of the year and I took some photos to share that beauty. I won't writ much about it. It was comfortably warm and the sun was near setting around 7pm when I took the following photos.

Some days it's a unique experience to just be standing on the roof. I have a short video of all the cloud movement unfolding that I will try to post some time soon.

Enjoy your bees!!! 
Enjoy your weather!!! 
It's oh so nice when you can enjoy them together!!!



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