Monday, April 16, 2012

# 006 : Windy!!! In the Windy City

"Tart words make no friends; a spoonful or honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar."
Benjamin Franklin
It's been a tuff weekend for my bees. There were two days of thunderstorms and high winds starting the day I installed the bees. I checked on them today just to make sure they didn't skip town and say :
"What the heck is up with this new house!!!" Ha! Just joking.
 We had some really high winds and thunderstorms so I shored up the hive just in case as you can see in this photo.The parapet behind the hive protects it from wind so the side shoring was all I really needed. (Just in case) We are expecting high winds today and the last thing the bees need is no roof or top hive feeder-that's why I weighed it down with a few bricks.
The way I set up my starter hive is with a bottom super with frames and queen. I then added the top cover and an empty deep super where I placed sugar syrup (It looks like they have beeen eating it), water (in the small jar) and some sugar candy in the can.
Here is an image of the top super showing the bees moving around under the cover.

Not much more to say. Now it's a waiting game for the bees to tuff out the bad weather ... we are expecting temps in the upper thirties tonight! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Or should I say Brzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzrzr!!!! Ha!

No photo of Ronald today. His cousin Bertha apparently doesn't like bees - go figure. Looks like that isn't going work out. Anyway, whatevs.

Have a nice Monday - If you're reading this on another day have a nice 'another day'!!! :)

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