Thursday, April 19, 2012

# 007 : My first notable error ... Sugar syrup in the wrong place

“A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower.”

Kin Hubbard

So I have made a notable mistake. I placed my sugar syrup in the wrong place - you know, where the bees can't find it!!! I found this out after contacting a Master Beekeeper and showing him the photo of my empty deep set-up. I put the in-board feeder in an empty deep above the main hive because the wind kept knocking it over when it was outside! We had really heavy winds the past few days! WOW! I thought it was a smart solution but I was wrong. I was told that the bees might migrate up to the empty deep (with the syrup) and start building comb. Can't have that so I had to open it up and move it! This video shows the slow painful process that should have only taken a few seconds!

Click the image above to see a video of me trying to figure out how to move the in-board feeder back to the front of hive where it belongs. If you're into watching people who are far from proficient in beekeeping boy this is the video for you!!! If you have any complaints don't yell at me - Ronald was filming and commenting!!! 

This is a photo of Ronald before filming. If you want to send him fan ... or HATE mail please send it to : BeeGuyRonald"at" or just comment below so everyone knows how you feel.

The sugar syrup is finally getting to the bees! That black line shows how much sugar syrup was in the jar before I moved it. These bees like their shuhah shugah!!! Ha!
As you can see from the above images - with the Sugar Syrup where it should 'bee' the bees are getting active. The nice weather helps too.

1 comment:

  1. That wasn't me filming or commenting Greg!!! Why are you always tryin to gets me in the trouble!!! Naw, just kidding. It wasn't me filming though. Hey, next time you're up on the roof give me a call. I can bring my cousin Bertha! HA! Because she doesn't like you! Just kidding.
